Hello my sweet & spicy bby's! Be Scared & Do It Anyways was born from a little $5 sign that was purchased by myself, the Owner of BS&DIA, from Home Goods to bring to my work as a Hair Stylist. "Be Scared & Do It Anyways." Originally, I saw the sign as something I could use as a reference for my clients as they sat in my chair, nervous to change their hair. Even if it was something they had been wanting for so long, a lot of us are scared of change, especially with our hair. That sign would sit in my clients view, I would point to it and say, "what does that sign say?" and it helped them make the change. Fast forward 6 years later, I still have the sign in my own salon suite, Talisa & Co, and still use it as a reference. Only now, it clicked. Through my own self healing journey, I had a light bulb moment and realized how much that little $5 signs voice lives rent free in my head and applies to the way I live life. In every aspect. My entire life. It has been, with every fiber in my being, before even recognizing it's voice, the root of my existence. The voice that gave me a voice. The voice that can't stay quiet. The voice that speaks up and demands my own path of truth and authenticity, no matter the cost. The voice that speaks the truth, even if I know it might hurt me or them but it needs to be said. The voice that many try to silence. Or, on the contrary, the voice that many love and admire, but only when it's not used towards them. The voice that burns with desire to be heard or shown it's strength. The voice that even I get scared of...
The voice that lets me
Be Scared & Do It Anyways.
PLEASE, wear these items with absolute pride in who YOU are as a person. Let them be the voice, the reminder of what YOUR voice says and means for you. The voice that lets you be scared, but gives you the courage to still do it anyways. To push you towards your truest potential. Go fucking SHINE your light! We need to see it.
With so much love,
Talisa Berthiaume